Academic City introduces MSc in Cyber Security programme

MSc in Cyber Security programme
Future-Ready Education

Academic City introduces MSc in Cyber Security programme

As part of efforts to strengthen Africa’s digital landscape and foster economic advancement, Academic City University College has introduced an innovative MSc Cyber Security programme to safeguard Africa’s digital infrastructure and drive innovation.

In today’s interconnected world, cyber security is important for long-term growth and global competitiveness. By introducing the MSc Cyber Security, Academic City aims to equip graduates with advanced cyber security expertise, which fosters critical analysis and practical skills to combat evolving threats in digital landscapes.

This programme will enable students to develop practical cyber security analysis skills through hands-on training and real-world scenarios, addressing the complexities of cyber threats. Emphasising multi-dimensional problem-solving, the curriculum provides students with the versatility to tackle diverse cyber security challenges and insights into risk management, ensuring a holistic approach to cyber defense.

In 2023, ISC2 estimated the global cyber security workforce to be 5.5 million, with a growth of 8.7% between 2022 and 2023, adding nearly 440,000 new positions. Additionally, all regions experienced growth in cyber workforce size in 2023, with the Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific regions leading with an annual increase of 11.7% and 11.8%, respectively.

Speaking on this new programme, Prof. Fred McBagonluri, President of Academic City, remarked, “As the African continent continues to embrace digital transformation, the introduction of our cyber security programme signifies our desire to empower individuals and organisations to thrive in an increasingly digitised world.”

According to him, the programme aims to help address the critical need for safeguarding sensitive information, which is crucial for economic growth and attracting investments.

“This innovative programme promises to establish a robust digital infrastructure for the continent’s future prosperity,” he added.

David Gowu, Executive Director of the Institute of ICT Professionals Ghana (IIPGH), stressed how important it is to have cyber security experts in a world where technology is changing so quickly.

“As businesses deal with the constant threat of cyberattacks, it is crucial for business owners to empower employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to help protect their digital assets.”

He commended Academic City for introducing the MSc in Cyber Security to provide professionals with the skills they need to deal with cyber security problems.

“I am very optimistic that this programme will give professionals the training they need to confidently get through the complex cyber security landscape,” he said.

The two-year MSc Cyber Security programme will start in September 2024. To qualify for the program, an applicant must have a BSc from an accredited university with a minimum of second-class upper or lower.

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